
Friday, January 3, 2014

You know, I can't help but get just a smidge frustrated with Dylan from work. I love the guy, I really do, but all day long him, and whoever is on the makeline with me, tend to play Houdini on me. Most of the time it leaves me with a screen of orders and no help, but there are times when they leave because I have another person. That is fine. So why does it frustrate me more?

Had the usual happen today, where I kept getting ditched, and no matter how much I holler for help, it takes someone going to Dylan to get help. I know he can hear me so this is just rude, because he's doing it to talk with people. There was a group standing there just talking, and no help is coming my way. I fight through it until around 9:10 (EST) when I clock out and go in back to continue my computer training.

The WHOLE time, almost as soon as I sit down he calls for help. So I have to keep randomly clocking back in. My ride shows up at 10:40 so after barely getting any training done, I call it a night and pack up to leave. Im almost out the door and he begs me for help.

What the Hell did he do before I came to the store, besideds be fucked? Again, I love the hell out of Dylan, but I'm not going to have help when I start closing, he needs to wean himself off of me. I would do it but I feel bad turning people down for help because I fully believe in Karma.

Anyway, I just needed to get that out. Thanks for tuning in!

Signing off,

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