
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ants!!! Ugh... So to explain, about a week ago, they were doing the yard near my car and an ant pile got kicked up onto it. So since then I've been squishing ants as often as I see them, and from what I could tell, they were sticking around my gear shift since that's where they've been showing up. Every so often I'll just look down and squish and go back to my driving.

Tonight though is when it hit the crescendo... I had to get gas to make it home and when I got out I noticed some flying ants in my back window so I decided to just squish them when I got back from getting my gas receipt (TAX WRITE OFF!!!). I open the door to my back seat and see the most morbid thing I have ever seen in the animal kingdom, and coming from a thylacine, that's pretty bad. In a condensed spot on one of my back seats is this mound of black and white... The white are eggs... The black that is moving, are living ants, moving around, but the non-moving black is the dead ants I've squished that I guess they could salvage.

WHAT THE FUCK!? So I go a little spastic and got some ant killer and went crazy on them. They were in my seat belt buckles for crying out fucking loud. So my car smells like ant killer, but later tonight I'm going back out to vacuum up the dead and hope it taught the little bastards a lesson. NOT MY CAR!!!

Anyway, Xan was nice enough to make dinner, so I'm getting off here to eat it.

Signing off,

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