
Saturday, September 28, 2013

I know, it's been a while since my last blog, and I apologize, but a lot has been going on lately. So, here we go...

1) Basically when I got my insurance with Nationwide, even thoguh I told them I was a delivery driver they didn't put it in there and so because of that it's looking like I "withheld" information from them so they cancelled my policy and I have no car. So now I can't deliver pizzas and Tyler can barely give me any hours as an insider so it's getting pretty tight, pretty fucking fast. Forgive the language, but it's stressing me out.

2) I had to get a new phone because my 3-year-old phone/brick hfinally came to the point that if I slide it open, I can't slide it shut anymore without almost breaking the phone itself. Now, I've fought the smartphone revolution as long as I could but it finally came down to me having to get one. So yes, Lily has a smartphone now, even though she didn't want one *pout of all pouts*. Luckily though it was under $60 bucks including shipping and handling so that wasn't too much of a hit.

3) I got another job, still working for Dominos, but now after I pass my drug test, I'll also be working at Walgreens! It means more money, so I can save up for a car quicker and still manage rent since Xan has yet to get another job. And I'm also going for Asst. Manager at Dominos when Kyle leaves next week. I'll miss him...

Anyway, I have to get off of here because I need to get ready for work, but I'll try to update more now that things are calming down.

Signing off,

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