
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

So it's 6 days until my meeting with Dr. Wendell, and I've caught myself intentionally not thinking about it, instead of slowly leading myself into it like I had planned to. I need to stop, because I can't let myself go into that battle without the proper preparations... I know I'll regret it if I do.

Anyway, so I've been sick the past few days. Kind of came out of nowhere, so fast, that on the first night I had completely lost my voice and couldn't even manage a whisper. The thing that's good, is that Dylan has been awesome about having me switch shifts with people so I'm not having to go in when I first wake up, when it seems like my body is making up for all the misery I missed out on when I was sleeping. But what irritates me is Jenny. Ever since I came to the Baker Rd store, I have come in early, stayed late, and even came in on days off for the littlest of reasons, all because she asked me to.

She's been sick, she's had sick kids, she's had a kid get injured, her boyfriend hurt himself and wind up in the hospital, and alllllllll of those times, I jumped in to get the extra hours, and because I wanted to help her out. My BIGGEST mistake was thinking that when I got sick, like now, that she would return the favor at least ONE day. Come in early for me since we were dead as Hell and it was the first day so I was at my worst. Her excuse was that she had things going on after work so she couldn't come in even an hour for me. Now today she wants me to come in EXTRA early just so she can go see a movie with her kids!? Seriously!?

I was so sick and feverish and she wouldn't come in for one extra hour, but I'm supposed to hop in 3 hours early so she can see a movie? Nope. No. Not happening. She can wait til I get like I had to when she wouldn't come in for me. Screw her.

You know, ever since she got demoted to Assistant Managers it's like she has no fucks to give, and it's not fair that I'm having to pick up her slack. I'm not doing it anymore.

Onto a lighter note, things outside of work are going pretty okay. Xan is trying to get a job at my Domino's, and so far things are looking good for it, but we'll see. He's not getting anymore hours at the computer place, just keeps getting jerked around, so that's what made him finally start looking for something else. Nojuan's dad MIGHT be giving us a car, but I'm not holding my breath since that man is the king of procrastination unless it's something that benefits him, so who knows how long it will be until we actually get that.

But anyway, I've got stuff I'd planned to do before work, and before Nojuan wakes up, so I'm off to go work on it =).

Signing off,

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