
Thursday, January 23, 2014

I'll be honest, today I'm not feeling all that great. My head hurts a little, and I feel sore all over. I know it's because I've been pushing myself a lot lately. Especially by not getting enough sleep before opening the store, and doing this 3 days in a row. I tried to gt what sleep I could, but my body just wouldn't cooperate with me on when I wanted to go to bed, compared to when it wanted to go to bed.

On Monday and Tuesday I had training classes come into the store, so I had to get all my prep done and everything before they arrived, and try to have the store presentable on top of that. But, when they're there, I have to look busy, and not just stand around. Except, without orders coming in, and all my work being done, I have nothing to do. So I do minimal chores like cleaning windows, the monitors on all of the computers, have drivers restock Coke coolers even though they're full... It's a hassle trying to stay busy with nothing to do.

Tuesday was a little harder than Monday and Wednesday, but that was because I also had a truck come in that, A) Needed to be put away and B) Was carrying things with it that I needed to finish my prep. But of course, it was a pretty small truck so it got obliterated in my quest to get things done quickly. Later that day was where the real fun began... Jenny was late getting in so I was running the first hour and a half of dinner rush on my own. I honestly was ready to quit after that because it was fucking ridiculous trying to handle all of that on my own with no help. No one does dinner rush on their own, it just doesn't happen, and I was having to.

Anyway, I'm hopping off of here to try to get my taxes done. And the chat is messing up so I gave up on it for the day. Sorry folks. Anyway, I'm off tomorrow so I might be going into the chat at some point ^_^.

Signing off,

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