
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

So I learned a valuable lesson... I can NOT, under any circumstances, open and close in the same day, and then try to do it a repeat the next day with neighbors that stay up until 4 am (EST) when I have to break down and call the cops to get them to stop when I've asked nicely. The last 2 days, I opened and closed within the dame day and today/yesterday, it wasn't pretty.

I managed to wake up at my alarms and then I checked my texts....then passed right back out until  mins before I had to be at work. I was so tired I didn't pull on my undershirt under my work shirt. Sheby pointed it out to me when I got in by pointing out she could see my neck tattoo. A little reminder, my neck tattoo is a choker with 3 stars trailing down the hollow of my throat to look like dangling jewelry. The stars are in the same color order as the stars in the Steelers icon. (Warning: I'm a football fan, as I am a huge Steelers fan. I may be a girl, but my game balls drop when football season rolls around. You will see some outbursts during this time.) I have to keep this tattoo covered because with it being a choker it looks like a piece of jewelry and therefor I have to keep it covered with a turtleneck. Not fun.

So, to continue, I was trying to keep myself going, but I was working with David, and we're both trying to outwork each other, and I barely have enough energy as it is so stuff runs out fast. It gets down to the point where I'm standing there, manning the oven, and next thing I know Sheby is lightly touching my left shoulder... I had fallen asleep, standing, while cutting a pizza. She told me to go ahead and go home since she would rather me be asleep at the pizza wheel than the steering wheel. I'm not in any trouble, but now they can know what my limits are. Thankfully tomorrow I'm off, so I can get as much rest in as I can.

I'm going to go ahead and hop off of here so I can work on that one-shot for my reader, and then get some rest, but before I got to bed... I got a huge surprise today when I first hopped on here to post a new blog, so I have to say this:

United States, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Brazil, Poland, Taiwan, and Venezuela. Thank you all so much for reading my blog. As I always say, I appreciate seeing new readers. Enjoy your stay folks!

Signing off,

Friday, June 21, 2013

Okay, I'm done for the day. I made it out alive somehow, and was about to eat dinner (even though it's 4:11am (EST) right now) when I decided to check and see if I had any emails from you guys about the potential Lily Tumblr account. Instead I saw something awesome.

Taiwan!!! Thank YOU for joining my readers ^_^. It's always nice to see new viewers, in all countries. Granted, I still love Germany, Russia, US, everyone that's been watching me, but it's always a little thrill for me to see when a new country has joined my list, and more green has been filled in on my country screen. That really is something I enjoy from Blogger; the ability to see who all is actually watching me, aside from seeing the hit counter go up.

It's nice seeing so many people tune in.

But sadly I've been going since 9:50am (EST) and I've already had auto-pilot moments, where I seriously have lots bits of my day from when it was going on today. I know I'm pretty bad off when I make as many typos as I have been the last few moments, but have been cleaning up as best I can to make sure it's nice for you guys. I do have a longer entry coming tomorrow, but that will happen when I wake up.

My good friend Mary was able to hang out tonight with me, Nojuan, and Xan, so hopefully I'll be able to get to sleep just fine when I do lay down.

Signing off,

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pizza rolls when I work at Domino's... This is wrong lol. So, I don't have long since I'm pulling a swing shift today. One co-worker has a sick grandmother that might not make it through the night and another one got locked up yesterday. Unfortunately the one who got arrested is one of my favorite co-workers. But also unfortunately he did something very stupid, which I would have smacked him for if he hadn't gotten locked up. Of course all of this means I have to close tonight after I opened earlier. I was supposed to go in at 9, but Mitch called and asked me to come in at 8 instead so my relax time just got cut super short.

Hell, at this point I only have 1 hour left to relax before I have to put my work clothes back on and get back out on the road. *collapses in heap of ugh*

Anywho, I finally got an idea going for a reader of mine who won a free one-shot from me. It did take me a bit of thinking but I finally got it going and I sent her a small snippet from it, which she did love. So of course I'm inspired to work on it more. I think for now though I'm going to lose myself in Desperate Housewives or something so I can fully relax until I have to go back in.

Signing off,

ps- I was thinking of opening a Tumblr so you guys could communicate more directly with me if you had wanted to. Email me at if you want to give your input ^_^.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

*sings* If you got leavin' on your mind, tell me now, get it over..*stops singing, looks around* Oh wait, sorry, listening to old Patsy Cline. Gods I miss her music. When I was a little kit my gramps used to play her songs on cassette in the car anytime we went driving. I recently downloaded some of her music to poke at my nostalgia. Lately it's been worse, I'll be honest with you. But that's not why I've been gone.

It's a mixture of internet not working, and my schedule is so crazy that when it is working, I'm sleeping so I can be ready to go back to work. Today is the first day I've had since the 7th and I'm enjoying the privacy. It's just me and Nojuan since thank the fucking Gods above, Xan FINALLY got the job at Alorica, where I used to work. He's during his training period now but he seems to be blending in just fine, so hopefully it'll be a good place for him. Him making what I used to will definitely help out with rent and everything, so that's good for me to know ^_^.

But, to my nostalgia... Honestly from the beginning of June until the beginning of August, I'm always an emotional wreck. June is leading into July, which is unfortunately when I lost my grandfather. July 3rd is the worst day for me since it's D-Day... And my birthday is the 27th, so it's a hard month in general. It take August showing up to make me feel better. I lost him to Alzheimer's and PTSD-Dementia (from his times in the wars) and it was one of the hardest things for me to go through since he was one of the most intellegent, brilliant men I knew. He knew how to get what he wanted, or do what he needed to get by and make his way through life. To watch him go from that, to someone who couldn't even use a spoon for yogurt because he didn't understand why his straw wasn't working was heartbreaking.

It put my family through Hell, but I know he would have never done it if he could have helped it. But that disease just doesn't care whether or not you want it, and unfortunately he was a victim of it. I won't lie, 14 years later I'm still affected by it, but it's only because I didn't have my dad as I was growing up. He left the day my youngest half-sister was born, and my gramps was the father figure I had growing up. So for me, to lose him, was losing my dad.

But anyway, still alive over here, just fighting with internet and my schedule, nothing I can't handle. At least once Xan starts bringing in checks I'll be able to afford takin' a day off. Can't wait for that.

Before I head off of here, I wanted to say thank you to the newest place viewing my blog, Venezuela! Thank you very much for joining in the viewers! Sorry to have you join on a down note, but things are going to be getting better soon!

Signing off,

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Heat stroke is one hell of a bitch... It was only 86F today (30C) but the A/C was broke at work, so we had the doors open to let in some cooler-than-inside-the-building air, but the oven was pumping out 450F (232C) and it was just too much. Basically my day was shit. I'll just be honest.

I slept through my alarm, and woke up at 10:07a when I was due in at 10a. Got to work and had 2 runs waiting for me. Both involved stairs, and it's hot as hell out, so I'm drenched by the time I get done with the second run. Luckily Mitch wasn't mad at me, he understood my being late since I didn't get out of work until 2a last night. But when I got back, I started finding things to do while we waited for another order to come through. Finally around an hour later his boss calls him on his cell and lets him know the reason we haven't gotten any orders is because the lines and internet are both down, so even if someone places an order online the order can't get to us since the net isn't even sending orders to us.

So around then, Vanessa shows up and she's helping me post boxes to pass the time because our truck is actually due in today with it being Tuesday. By the time our new girl, Kiki (no she doesn't have a delivery service but it is funny that she's a driver), shows up the lines are still down. Why? Turns out AT&T accidentally cut our lines when they were installing the new lines for the community that's being built behind our building. So now they're going in and out of the store trying to see if they can get us back up and running.

The whole time we're waiting on orders, I'm going around the store, finding things to do, including things Mitch happens to point out for "somebody" to do when he notices them. Kiki and Vanessa are just standing around so Mitch sends them both home with the warning of "if I need you I'll be calling you back". So it's back to me, working, finding anything I can do, which the list is getting smaller, and smaller, and you get the point. Finally the phones come back on and calls start pouring in so Mitch takes a moment to call those two back and while he's making pizzas I'm handling calls, and learning how to put labels on the boxes WHILE being on the phone calls. I would like to say I did damn good at that ^_^. So by the time they get back, I have orders I can finally run out and so I book it.

I take a few runs before our little pop dies down and it goes back to being dead. By the way, by now, I'm shaking from heat stroke. Mitch decided to send me home when he found me standing under the fans in the 40F (4C) cooler, sweating. I was sweating in 40F (4C). He decided that was it and sent me home. While he was getting me checked out so I could leave, Kiki pipes up, whining, "Why does she get to go home?"

I could have hugged Mitch for his response. "Because while you two were jawing off in the lobby, she was walking around finding things to do when you were saying there was nothing to do. Everything she was doing, you could have been doing too. She deserves to go home." The look of befuddlement on her chipmunk face was well worth getting heat stroke today.

Good news is though, Mary can hang out again, so me and Nojuan are paying her a visit now that I'm feeling better. Although I do need to wrap this up since I have to go check on laundry.

Signing off,

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I have 400 views and a new viewing country!! That couldn't have made my day better! The good news is though, Xan has a job interview tomorrow which will hopefully lead to employment.

Hello Netherlands!! ^_^!! I just wanted to say a quick thank you to you guys for making my counter hit over 400. You're all awesome for checking out my blog.

But anyway, still working on moving things from one site to another, and I've managed to get a bit moved, but I still have a lot of work ahead of me so I need to get this done asap. Had a chance to talk with my friend Red today, we haven't talked in almost a month due to conflicting schedules and all. He moved to ND back in November to work on a degree in Paleontology and I'm proud of him. I've been around for 16 years of his life since he's one of Nojaun's little brothers. He's actually the middle child of the set of 3, and a fox, one hell of a unique fox. You can check him out over there ---->  Yup, here.

I ended up bonding with Red and Nojuan, but Wolfy and I just never really got along, and it's been worse lately. We're not getting into that though, it's not something I like to even talk about. But anyway, he's doing great out in ND even though he's dealing with long days and barely any night. He said he's going to be sending pics as soon as he gets his camera, so I can't wait to see the place he's at now.

Anyway, I'm going to get back to work on moving my fics so I don't lose any of them when the site shuts down, if it does. Again, thank you Netherlands for joining my list and thank you to all my readers for checking out my blog!

Signing off,

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ants!!! Ugh... So to explain, about a week ago, they were doing the yard near my car and an ant pile got kicked up onto it. So since then I've been squishing ants as often as I see them, and from what I could tell, they were sticking around my gear shift since that's where they've been showing up. Every so often I'll just look down and squish and go back to my driving.

Tonight though is when it hit the crescendo... I had to get gas to make it home and when I got out I noticed some flying ants in my back window so I decided to just squish them when I got back from getting my gas receipt (TAX WRITE OFF!!!). I open the door to my back seat and see the most morbid thing I have ever seen in the animal kingdom, and coming from a thylacine, that's pretty bad. In a condensed spot on one of my back seats is this mound of black and white... The white are eggs... The black that is moving, are living ants, moving around, but the non-moving black is the dead ants I've squished that I guess they could salvage.

WHAT THE FUCK!? So I go a little spastic and got some ant killer and went crazy on them. They were in my seat belt buckles for crying out fucking loud. So my car smells like ant killer, but later tonight I'm going back out to vacuum up the dead and hope it taught the little bastards a lesson. NOT MY CAR!!!

Anyway, Xan was nice enough to make dinner, so I'm getting off here to eat it.

Signing off,