Yesterday was the last day with Mitch as my boss. No, I didn't lose my job, but we're getting a new manager at the store, whose name is Tyler. I've only met him once and my first impression, followed by what all I've heard about him, is "Penis Pumper."
For those of you not familiar with the term, it means someone who pumps themselves up figuratively to make themselves seem better than what they are. But of course if you're using this term it's obvious they're not as big and bad as they make themselves out to be. And this is what's going to be my new boss. The kind of guy who makes fun of speech impediments and treats his employees like crap. I've dealt with that kind of attitude when I worked at 7-Eleven for 4.5 years. I dealt with it a few times in the 9 managers I had, and when I worked for Alorica. (If you live in Kennesaw, or just work there, you know... You know... Especially if you've ever been on Ken Brinson's team) I should be used to it, but I haven't dealt with it since December of 2012 so I'm still rusty on it. It's going to take some getting used to again.
But anyway, yesterday I did almost walk out, but even when I was thinking about it I knew it was petty and just not worth it. It was also very much worth it for me to keep my snout shut and not let Mitch get to me like he was. Ever have that moment where someone in management says something to you that makes you want to say something back? And even though it would be completely valid and prove they're just being an ass you know it's best to just put your tongue in your cheek and keep on? It was one of those moments for the last 10 minutes of my shift.
My shift was due to end at 10:30, and I came in at 6:30. So, 4 hours that went awesome because the minute I clocked in I was on the road. When I came back to the store I was out the door again. I didn't have time for anything else. Not to piss, not to get a drink, just straight to the road. Seriously hectic, we were just jammed. So when I get back from my last run he tells me to get my money and when I have it, I ask him if he wanted to check me out in back, or up front. When he told me in back and started walking towards me I thought he was right behind me so I went to his office and sat in the chair to sort my money. So I'm doing that when I heard him tell Jeremy to pass on some message to me I didn't catch.
Basically instead of me just sitting there, waiting for him until he can get to me he wants me to either fold boxes or do dishes. Okay, no problem. So I start busting out boxes as fast as I can and out of nowhere, keep in mind that I'm in back and he's in the front of the store, I hear him bellow, "Lily, I'm mad at you!" The first thought on my mind is, "Did I get a customer complaint?" I go up front and ask him why he was mad at me.
Now, before I go further, let me say this. I was SCHEDULED for 30 hours this past week and I've asked not to get consecutive days off and he usually does this for me, but I wound up with both Wed and Thur off. I asked if I could switch days with someone and he said instead I could just come in at 11 on Thursday and work until I was no longer need. He kept me til sometime after 9. That's a 10 hour shift, so if I get out of work on time every day I'll be around 40 hrs. I never get out on time, I always get kept way later than what my scheduled hours say for each day, and this is because they keep me until I'm no longer needed.
Now, apparently before I even came in I was at 42 hours because of being kept over, so by the time my day was done, I was at 46 hrs. 6 hours of overtime caused by managers not letting me leave on time, or even remotely near my scheduled clock out time. I'll continue now.
He starts cussing me out for reaching 6 hours of overtime. Me. Okay, hold on. One, I can't leave at my scheduled time because I'm not the person to make that decision, the shift manager is. Two, I don't even keep track of when I'm supposed to clock out because I never get out at that time so I never pay attention to where I'm at hour wise. That's his job as a manager. He monitors everyone's hours, why didn't he notice I was at overtime before I even came in? He could have told me not to even come in but he let me come in and clock in, so whose fault is it that I'm at 46 hours this week? Sure as hell not mine.
When he starts bitching about paying me $11/hr (USD) I point out to him, I don't monitor my hours because I did whatever was asked of me and I apologized sincerely for hitting 46 hours and let him know I was back there doing the boxes like he had asked me to. He's still going off about it while I'm in the back room busting out what boxes I can before he can come in the back room to check me out. With customers in the store. And let me point this out, if you think my cursing is bad in text, double that vocally and you have what he was doing in front of employees and customers. I have a huge public berating issue so I'm suffering massive embarrassment as he's blasting on me in front of a store full of people even though I'm doing the chore he asked me to do.
I bust out almost 100 boxes in the last 5 minutes of my shift until he can get me checked out and when he does, he doesn't stop, telling me he's going to make sure Tyler knows I abuse the clock and that he's pissed he's been working since the morning and I was only there for 4 hours and I got extra money for it. He even went so far as to say to me, "What did you do that was so fucking great to deserve the overtime pay?" When I pointed out I had been in and out of the store, and he was witness to this, he said, "So nothing. You've done nothing, I'm going to make sure to tell Tyler about this because this is bullshit."
I just kept my snout clamped shut, my teeth one step away from grinding against each other as I just keep envisioning opening it and closing it around that stupid fucking head of his. He's planning on painting a wrong picture of me to the new manager just because he's mad he lost track of my hours and kept me longer than he should have on numerous days, including that 10 hour shift on Thursday that he kept me the whole day for. Trying to kiss as in some way I went as far as to ask him if he wanted me to break out some more boxes for him, off the clock, to help get them some since they were running out. All I get in response is a command to get out of his store. Prick. I'm glad today is the day of new management, but I'm not glad it's Tyler.
I know to keep my tongue in my cheek because I need this job, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking for a new job so I can leave this one. Wish me luck in my job search. And wish me luck making it through today. I only got one hour of sleep in since my cyst problem flared up pain wise. It finally went away part way through watching "Princess Bride", but there was no way I would be able to get back to sleep by then so I settled on blogging ^_^. I do have stuff to do before work so I need to get off of here.
Signing off,